Saturday, 19 October 2013

All change....

The weather has been so changeable this last week, I must admit a bit like my mood.  I have an underactive thyroid and one of the symptoms is lack of energy which no matter what I did never seemed to get any better and has been lacking for a while.  After researching the reactions different food can have on your thyroid I realised that I was eating a lot of wrong food especially broccoli which is one of my favourite veggies and it makes up one of my favourite meals...broccoli and Stilton soup. Still it would be worth giving up along with gluten if I could get my mojo back.  So I started my new eating regime over a week ago and to start off with I felt terrible! In fact I was more tired than usual with joint pain, stomach pain and headaches but hey it got to Tuesday and I felt on top of the world! So I reckon I was going through a bit of a detox and withdrawing from sugar.  Making up new meals has been a bit of challenge but boy have I enjoyed some of the food especially roasted veggies. 

Never tried roast fennel before but I did enjoy it. It is still strange not having pasta or bread as a stand by and I have tried the gluten free versions and can’t say I’m impressed with them but my mojo is returning at last and I feel great so it is worth persevering with!

Anyway along with my diet taking up my time, I have in fact finished my Christmas tree bunting and am rather pleased with the result since I only took up crotchet at the beginning of the year.

The handbag I was knitting was lovely and it was only when I had just about finished it that I realised that I had read the pattern wrong.  Very frustrating but I have had to unravel it and started knitting it again!

This morning I decided that I would like to make a start on some Christmas cards so I created a lovely mess on the dining room table and have managed to produce about 15.  Here is a little look at a couple of designs.

Besides feeling a little under the weather for a couple of days the rest of the week has been filled with something good every day.   I have had some lovely walks with Millie in the back lanes of Ingleby Barwick.  I do love watching the leaves changing colour and dropping off.  Here is a little secret, when I think nobody is looking I like nothing better than kicking up leaves as I did when I was a kid.  It still gives me great joy!  I love being creative whether it is cooking, knitting, crotchet, sewing or making cards, it makes my world a happier place to live.

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